1. Parcel Information:


    The Assessor's Parcel Information Service has moved to a new site with advanced features. To view the site, please click the link below.

    If you are a subscriber to the Parcel Information Service, please create an account with the new site.

  1. Plat Services & Subscriptions:

    Subdivisions & Surveys - Current - Quarterly (more)
    Current recorded subdivision plats and record of surveys are scanned as TIFF files. The quarterly update subscription includes the four quarters of the current fiscal year mailed out on DVD. If you purchase in the third quarter for example, you will receive the first two quarters on DVD immediately.
    Subdivisions & Surveys - Historical (more)
    Historical recorded subdivision plats and record of surveys are scanned as TIFF files. The one-time download from our FTP site includes every historical subdivision & survey excluding the current fiscal year which falls under the quarterly update subscription.
    Subdivisions & Surveys - FTP Access (more)
    $2000.00 /Year
    Access to all of the scanned subdivisions plats and record of surveys via FTP. Requires the approval of a signed and notarized Internet Access Agreement.
    Compilation of Appraiser Photos (more)
    The Appraisers take photos of properties each time they go out to assess the land and improvements of every parcel. The photos are compiled once a year on August 1st and are now available for purchase. Purchaser needs to provide a hard drive for the photos to be downloaded onto.
    In-depth Research Per Parcel (more)
    Parcel ownership researched as far back as possible. A list of deed instrument numbers will be provided for each ownership transfer along with the names. The information found will be emailed.
    Plats/Surveys Via Email (more)
    $3.00 /Page
    Individual pages of plats or surveys are emailed in TIFF format.

  1. GIS Data and Related Services:

    Listings (more)
    These listings are used for notifying adjacent landowners to a land use change, etc. as required by State Law (67-6511). Listings that we generate can either be emailed in excel format or they can be picked up in person for a paper printout.
    All County Section Plat Maps (PDF) (more)
    This includes 661 section plat maps of the county. The plat maps will be available to download from our FTP site.
    Custom GIS Map (more)
    Custom maps of a specific area can be generated by the mapping department in either a PDF or paper printout.